What’s Goin’ On

So the event has come and gone, and we have been a bit MIA, so I thought it would be a good idea to fill everyone in on what we are up to. Lauren has started her final year at Clemson University. We moved her into her new apartment last week, and classes started a couple days ago. So she is pretty consumed with that. But she is in charge of our new social media accounts, including a Twitter account, Pinterest, and soon a Facebook page for Charleen’s Angels. While she is managing that, I have been writing articles for the actual website for Charleen’s Angels and our aunt Collen and uncle Mike are building the site for us. I am slowly realizing just how many intricacies there are to making a website…. which leads me to my next point.

I have been feeling a huge amount of responsibility, which is great, but also stressful. We raised a lot of money, and I want to have something great to show for that as soon as possible. But I had also been feeling like I needed a break, and planned a trip to the mountains of NC after our event, a way to de-stress and reflect. Because of this responsibility I’ve been feeling, I almost cancelled my trip. But many people reassured me that it was just fine to take a break, recharge my batteries, and come back feeling refreshed and ready to get back to work. And I am so glad I went. I met so many great and talented people, I learned about some medicinal plants, I milked a goat (!!), and I formulated a great idea for my next steps in this whole non-profit journey I’m on. It involves Charleen’s Angels, The CrossFi(GH)t, AND my love for travel. It’s a win-win-win 🙂

So here I am in Louisiana. I just arrived here last night, and today Colleen and I are going to go over the website for Charleen’s Angels! And I will get a good amount of writing done as well. The reason I have not started writing already today is because I went to check out a local CrossFit gym, Geaux CrossFit. The were so incredibly accommodating and friendly. I think it is interesting to see how other gyms do things differently. The snatch progression we went over before starting the WOD was slightly different than what we do at our gym, and it really helped me focus on a few steps I sometimes struggle with. Something that really stuck out about this place was the AC…. yes…. a CrossFit with AC…. not sure how I feel about that, but overall I loved the place and will definitely be back on my way home if time permits.

Tomorrow I am making the long drive to Albuquerque, NM to see a dear friend. I plan to visit some CrossFits there as well, and spread the word on how well our fundraiser went, why we did it, and just show how Crossfit can be great not only for health, but also to better a community. I also plan to check out a couple of non-profits that are similar to Charleen’s Angels, so see if they have any tips for us 🙂 So stay tuned!!

Posted on August 26, 2013, in Caitlin's Posts. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. That is so amazing, Caitlin! The leaps and strides that you’re taking may seem small in the moment, but you’re doing such awesome things. 🙂 And heck yes to travel and work all in one!!

    ALSO. Where are the links for the Charleen’s Angels twitter & pinterest?

    p.p.s. Let’s talk about setting up Google+ for you guys sometime soon, and maybe some other stuff!

  2. glad to hear you’re doing well! and that you took a much neede break! we all need to recharge sometimes. 🙂 can’t wait to see what’s in store next.

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